Friday, August 17, 2012

Current Up Date...

We are so excited that we are back in Clovis and our kids are going to be able to go to Clovis schools. We are still getting used to our new family dynamic though. Matt stays in Tracy during the week and comes home on the weekends. He tries to make it home once during the week but that has been challenging. It will take time to get used to it but hopefully within the next 2 years his company is going to pick up enough accounts down this way that he will be able to be home full time. =) 
Zachary will be starting his 1st grade year on Monday and he is very eager to get back to school. He really likes school (which makes us happy) and misses having friends around to play. Our neighborhood is very quiet and he hasn't made any new friends. He is also going to be starting soccer which is going to be a lot of fun! He says he wants to do gymnastics next as well as baseball in the spring; we'll see. =) 
Maddison is getting big and would love to be going preschool but with the cost we will be doing homeschool  and I think she will be great! She of course is my difficult one so I'm sure we will battle about things... =) 
Emily is doing amazing! She loves to climb which has turned into a constant battle of pulling her down from the kitchen table and the coffee table (and she's on the coffee table right now!) She is very smart! She says quite a few words and I can just tell she will be talking in sentences any time now!
I, myself, am going to start taking care of a 5 year old little girl... Her name is Avery and she will be attending Weldon Elementary with Zachary. She is a sweet little girl and seems like she will fit in very well with our family. I decided I would try to start at home childcare just to make some extra income for our family since it seems impossible for me to go back to work considering the cost of childcare for all 3 of my kids. 
So this will be fun can't wait! 
As for me and the hubs... Well he is on-call this weekend so he wont be home till Sunday night... He's staying home Monday so he can be here for Zachy's first day of school! We need to sneak in a date night that night I think so we can have some time together! =) I do not think that he and I ever thought about date nights and what have you for so long that its hard to do but we know now that we need them for our marriage. Now to figure out what to do and a sitter...=)
Have a great weekend!